Best personal trainer in Eugene Oregon. Personal trainer, group fitness, gym in Eugene Oregon
Personal Trainer in Eugene Oregon. Personal trainer, group fitness, gym in Eugene Oregon

Opex is a personal training system that emphasizes individualization and client prioritization

How it works

Free Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation clients come in and meet with us at the gym. Here we will do an initial consultation. You will tell us what you are looking for in a fitness trainer and how we can best serve you. We will then pair you with the best matched coach for your situation, and then we will schedule your first session.

Best personal trainer in Eugene Oregon. Personal trainer, group fitness, gym in Eugene Oregon

Your First Session: BMW (Body, move, work)

First, we do an In-Body scan. Then we do a movement assessment. finally, we do a bike test, which is 10 minutes of biking. All of these give you and your trainer a good starting point, and we can reference these results in the future to measure progress.

Start Training

Once we have completed the initial consult and assessment your program will be delivered through CoachRx. This is where you will see your workouts and interact with your coach. It is a fantastic platform for continuous tracking, logging, and fitness monitoring which helps you work in tandem with your coach to keep you on track towards your goals. You can train with your coach in person, on your own using the app, or a combination of both!

Best Personal Trainer in Eugene Oregon. Personal trainer, group fitness, gym in Eugene Oregon
Best Personal trainer in Eugene Oregon. Personal trainer, group fitness, gym in Eugene Oregon